It’s both extremely easy and very complicated to start a conversation with a girl by sending a text message, so we cooked up 14 examples to show you how you can do it. Because the message will in essence generally be very short, you can expect every word, every smiley and even every punctuation mark to be analized! So in order to help you survive, let’s find out how to solve the age-long enigma : how do you start a conversation with a girl over text ? You’re bound to find one that suits your need, and adapted to your degree of intimacy with the person you’re texting to!!
How to start a conversation with a girl over text ? 14 text messages examples
What are you doing at this exact moment, apart from thinking about me? ;p
Stop invading my mind, I’m trying to work! ^^
I bet you 2$ the teach’ will say at least 25 times “And errr so, hum…” during class!
You’ll never guess what happened to me the other day! Well if you do, I’l buy you a hot chocolate… But otherwise I have to tell you every last detail!
None of my friends want to go see the last Fast & Furious movie, how about we go see it together?
What are you having for lunch? Mind if I join you?
I hear your weekend was super fun, but I bet you mine was a bit more ;p
Read also : Perfect first messages online dating examples
What did you think of today’s meeting? Looks like the new guy’s doing pretty good!
I was going back through my class notes, and I don’t know why but I started thinking about you, so I thought I’d say hi! Anywho, good luck on your studying
I saw you walking your dog the other day, he looks adorable! What kind of dog is it?
I dare you to take a bite of Alice’s burger without her noticing
I’m renaming my favorite contacts, using 3 smileys that characterize them ; btw which ones would you use to define yourself?
Green is definitely your color! The top you were wearing today really suited you!
I was wondering, if you only had 48 hours left to live, how would you use them? #existentialquestion