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Love Letter To Tell A Girl How You Feel About Her

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Love Letter To Tell A Girl How You Feel About Her

Your heart beats for a very special girl but you don’t know how to declare your love to her, so let’s have a look at this letter to tell her how you feel about her! You’ll see it doesn’t have to be over elaborate, as long as you’re writing from the heart. Of course, this is only an example, don’t copy-paste it and think it will work wonders, have some class and personalize your letter! Here is a love letter to tell a girl how you feel about her.

Love Letter To Tell A Girl How You Feel About Her

[Insert person’s name],

I wanted to tell you something that’s very important to me, but I couldn’t muster the courage to tell you face to face, so I chose to do so through this letter. 

We’ve now known each other for several years, and I’ve been steadily realizing that my feelings for you were growing. At first I thought I was imagining things, but little by little it became strikingly obvious, and today, thanks to this letter, I can finally allow my heart to freely open up :  

I love you. 

I love everything about you ; the way you rearrange your hair, the green of your eyes that make emeralds look dim, all your little habits I know by heart, and especially the way you understand me like no one else can… 

Read also : I love you letter for him from the heart

I couldn’t say, let alone guess, if you feel the same about me in return. I would never rush you, or hurt you or try and take away your freedom – that would in my eyes be the worst of crimes. But I hope, whatever your decision might be, that our friendship will remain as strong as before. Because it is in light of this very friendship that I was compelled, today, to be honest. Towards you, as towards myself. 

I await your answer with a beating heart, 



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